yes hello this is my page of cool stuff that exists
you'll find the most bestest stuff at the top, followed by all the other things roughly in order of importance (new stuff tends to be closer to the top because first impressions)
have fun
- THIS ONE'S IMPORTANT: drawabox, it's a drawing tootural that teaches you everything starting from the literal basics and it's cool and understandable and it MAKES FRICKIN' SENSE
...i haven't actually tried it yet because [insert excuse here] but i might someday, in the meantime you should totally do it because who knows maybe you'll be picasso 2 or something
and even if you get bored of it after a week (like i probably would) at least you'll know how to draw boxes, which is like 90% of the way towards minecraft fanart
so that's cool
- here's a video in a similar vein
- THIS ONE'S ALSO IMPORTANT: the64thgamer, not a thing but a person who does 3d modelling and he's about the same age and yet he does stuff infinitely better than me and he's way more deserving of thine respeccs than me so go follow him now
- all of nicky case's stuffs. you may have seen some of them online but literally all of it is worth checking out, i especially recommend this, this, and this
- friendship is optimal, it's an unironically good mlp fanfiction that actually got me into mlp fanfiction (not the show though, at least not yet)
it's about a super advanced ai that starts out as an mmo about friendship and ponies but then s u c c s everyone into a simulation of eternal happiness and ponies and friendship and magic and i kinda want that to be true ngl - hydrus network, a personal booru (like a booru but personal), i use it for all my stuffs and you should too
- how to center in css, it tells you the least bad way to center your stuff in css because it can get really hard sometimes for some weird reason
- textfiles.com, a massive repository of text files from the '90s, kinda cool if you ask me
- a really heckin' long list of furry art tutorials which i might be able to use someday, it was linked to on /r/furryartschool but for some reason they linked to the version without any actual links???
anyway i deemed this important enough that i decided to archive it here just in case tumblr does a pinterest and/or stops existing after the nsfw ban (most of the links are deviantart so they should be fine also i don't feel like using webrecorder) - peertube, it's like youtube but decentralized but not really (basically mastodon (which is also cool) but for videos), i use pe.ertu.be because it has a cool domain name
- this thing by qntm (whom you might recognize from the scp wiki or something computery maybe) which describes what could happen if we were to simulate our own universe with quantum computers and stuff (there's also a mlp fanfic about this but i don't feel like looking for it right now, if this is still here and you're curious feel free to contact me)
- rae the doe, it's a comic about a trans gay deer person and it's funny and i like it
more coming soon™ maybe
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